144Trapped in an abandoned insane asylum, five college students and the rogue scientists who abducted them must band together when a supernatural threat -
19Refuge is a suspense-thriller about a family struggling to survive in the wake of a great catastrophic event. As food and supplies dwindle and the thr -
668Sebastian, an up-and-coming Mexican actor, seems to have it all until he is thrown back into the tortuous world of dating, only to realize he has ze -
527Sebastian, an up-and-coming Mexican actor, seems to have it all until he is thrown back into the tortuous world of dating, only to realize he has ze -
436两个主人公因为生前害人太多,被一个警长临死前诅咒在地狱里永受折磨,除非做完七件好事。他们在高楼里做了六件好事之后不舍得离开这里,最后还是做了一件好事走了。两个鬼用手在墙上敲三下就能穿墙而过。 -
297A Polish soldier uses the robes of a dead monk to avoid being captured by the Nazis in this World War II drama. He is accepted into the monastery and -
741阿肯的工作是帮人维修手机,他常常会利用职务之便,偷看顾客手机里拍摄的照片和影片。欧德则是一名标准的低头族,他习惯将周围的一切用手机拍摄下来,留作纪念。夜店老板季肯于无意之中发现了一个手机色情网站,沉迷于其中的他并没有意识到,自己闯下了弥天大祸。 米娜是阿肯新结交的女友,两人感情十分要好,日渐亲密