1142117: A colonization mission to the new world of Epsilon Eridani B is struck by disaster as the ship crashes, leaving a small number of survivors to f -
532117: A colonization mission to the new world of Epsilon Eridani B is struck by disaster as the ship crashes, leaving a small number of survivors to f -
8802117: A colonization mission to the new world of Epsilon Eridani B is struck by disaster as the ship crashes, leaving a small number of survivors to f -
1722117: A colonization mission to the new world of Epsilon Eridani B is struck by disaster as the ship crashes, leaving a small number of survivors to f -
心灵猎人 第一季[电影解说]
517在 1970 年代晚期,两名联邦调查局探员深入探究谋杀的心理层面,并在危险距离内接触这些丧失人性的怪物,从而拓展犯罪科学。 《心灵猎人》由乔纳森·格罗夫 (《寻》)、霍特·麦克卡兰尼 (《萨利机长》)、安娜·托芙 (《危机边缘》) 和汉娜·格罗斯 (《除非》) 主演,由 大卫·芬奇 (《消失的 -
871为了拯救罹患重病的母亲,女大学生米拉(莫迪埃夫罗西娜 饰)跟一群朋友前往偏远的山村「舞者村」,要将母亲收藏的手环归还给守护当地的妖怪「巴达拉乌希」(奥若拉莎拉 饰),结果却意外引发一连串恐怖的遭遇……。 -
世界之战 第一季[电影解说]
555AGC Television联同法国台Canal+及Fox Networks Group的欧洲+非洲分部拍摄经典科幻题材剧《世界之战 War of the Worlds》,这部改编自H.G. Wells同名小说的剧集会有8集,每集60分钟,现正于英国及法国拍摄。 这版本的主演是Gabriel