682Cemal, a lonely hearse driver, has to transport the body of a young woman who has been murdered to her parents' home. During the trip, however, -
717这是土耳其新锐导演Nuri Bilge Ceylan第一部公开放映的短片。影片讲述了一对老年夫妇的生活体验,他们早年的生活出现龃龉,阔别多年后再次重逢,希望时间能修复感情的裂痕,然而这一切真的有效吗? 全片无对白,导演试图通过影像、声音揭示自然界、人与人、人与环境的某种内在关系,全片充满了一种诗意和 -
916Cemal, a lonely hearse driver, has to transport the body of a young woman who has been murdered to her parents' home. During the trip, however, th